New pavilion in passive standard, nice modern environment for patients and medical staff, connecting bridges simplify transport between individual pavilions.
Vote with us for the project of new pavilion Hospital Nemocnice Pelhřimov – public price The Building of the Year 2023 Number 54.
Voting will be open until midnight on November 23, 2023.
In the Pilsen Region Building of the Year competition, TechTower Pilsen Svetovar won the award of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic for the exemplary reconstruction of a brownfield, including part of the former brewery, into a state-of-the-art center for research workplaces.
Read more about the project.
Smooth white facade, gable roof. The polyclinic in Lanškroun fits into the municipal design and keeps the ambulances in the town center even during the phased construction. It is now competing for the Pardubice Region Building of the Year award. Please vote with us for Polyclinic Lanškroun No. 7.
Would you like to know more? Check our references.