modification of architectural study
pre-project engineering
planning permit documentation
building permit documentation
legal process to obtain a zoning decision and a building permit
construction documentation
author’s supervision
11.300 m³ built-up volume
130,2 mil. excl VAT / 4.8 mill. EUR excl VAT costs
The phased construction of a modern health centre in the heart of Lanškroun keeps the health centre in the downtown area while simultaneously creates a quality environment for the provision of health care in the town. Plans called for the gradual construction of a new part, the transfer of medical operations, the demolition of the original part, the construction of the second part and their subsequent connection. The shape of the building is similar to the original building with saddle roofs, a lift and a new staircase. The basis of the new layout and operational solution is to optimise the operation of the health centre, clarity for patients, variability of the internal layout, accessibility for immobile patients, including parking and efforts to create a modern environment in the current standard of medical construction.