Quadrio shopping centre in Prague 1 has undergone a revitalisation of the entrance from the lobby of the metro station Národní třída, expansion of the gastronomic zone and modernisation of the air conditioning. The design documentation and
author’s supervision was provided by the Obermeyer Helika design and construction consulting company. The construction works, which were carried out while the building was in full operation, were completed on schedule and all public areas are now open to visitors.

„This project presented a significant technical challenge due to the need to keep the building fully operational during the construction modifications,“ said Ing. Martin Schejbal, senior project engineer at Obermeyer Helika. „Particularly challenging was the coordination of work in the already fully utilized installation shafts and the precise timing of the ventilation system replacement. We also found it technically interesting to use custom-made one-metre-long drill bits for core drilling in confined spaces, and to move 2.5‑tonne dry coolers on the roof to install new fans,“ adds Martin Schejbal.

Quadrio is responding to the growing demand for quality fast food, which is why two new gastro units have been created as part of the foodcourt’s construction modifications. There has also been an expansion of the public arcade at the Delmart and Vapiano area. High-quality premium materials were used in the expanded areas, highlighting the thoughtful interior design with attention to detail.

In view of the increased demands of the new facilities, the air handling system was significantly upgraded and the exhaust air extraction system was strengthened. This solution ensured an optimal indoor climate throughout the entire arcade. The existing exhaust fan on the roof with a capacity of 35,500 m3 /h, which had previously extracted air from the food court, was replaced by five new fans. „To accommodate the new fans, two dry coolers weighing 2,500 kg had to be moved to the roof. This very demanding project required meticulous preparation and a detailed schedule, with individual activities coordinated to the tens of minutes. From the fan removal, to the fitting of the new cabinets, programming in MaR, to the installation of the last elbow of the HVAC ductwork. The entire upgrade has significantly improved the overall air handling system of the arcade and contributed to energy savings,“ adds Martin Schejbal of Obermeyer Helika, who provides information on the revitalisation of the Prague Quadrium.

Last but not least, the entrance area from the lobby of the Národní metro station has also undergone a complete transformation. The two existing carousel doors have been replaced by three new, larger modern carousel doors, which ensure a smoother passage for visitors.

Photos exterior: Quadrio shopping centre in Prague 1, source: CPI Property Group

Photos interior: Quadrio shopping centre in Prague 1, source: Obermeyer Helika a.s., Veronika Fialová


Ing. Jan Korbut, MBA je již sedmým rokem klíčovou postavou v týmu Obermeyer Helika, kde zastává roli vedoucího ateliéru pozemních staveb a manažera pro firemní BIM strategii. Zeptali jsme se ho na jeho pohled na současný i budoucí vývoj českého developmentu, a to s důrazem na integraci nejmodernějších technologií v oblasti stavebního návrhu.

Jak vnímáte aktuální stav na českém trhu s developerskými projekty v oblasti pozemních staveb?

Developerský trh se po uplynulých globálních událostech již značněji oživuje a řekl bych, že v podstatě už i ve všech jeho segmentech. Neplatí to však paušálně pro celou republiku, ale spíše pro metropolitní nebo prémiové rekreační oblasti. Nabízí se ale také jiný úhel pohledu, a to, jak současný development působí na vnímání občanů a na jejich životní prostředí. Je poměrně častěji viditelné, že někteří investoři kladou postupně větší důraz na okolní prostředí svých projektů, instalaci uměleckých děl nebo začlenění přírodních prvků. To je velmi příjemný trend zkvalitňování okolního prostoru staveb a já věřím, že bude dále pokračovat. Ve výsledku právě tento trend jistým způsobem zrcadlí i současnou transformaci celé západní společnosti.

Zaznamenali jste výrazné změny požadavků na stavby za poslední dekádu? Jaký trend nyní nejvíce ovlivňuje stavebnictví?

Za posledních 10 let se událo mnoho změn v celém oboru stavebnictví. Navrhování budov vždy bylo multioborovou disciplínou, nicméně nyní je ten progres doslova exponenciální. Vidíme to i na existenci silného trendu poslední dekády, který nazýváme Stavebnictví 4.0. Ten je hlavně o nových technologiích, automatizaci a digitalizaci. V poslední době se stále častěji akcentuje další výrazný trend, kterým je udržitelnost a šetrný přístup k životnímu prostředí a přírodním zdrojům. Tento přístup se postupně zhmotňuje i v legislativních předpisech, jako např. v nedávném striktním zpřísnění požadavků na energetickou náročnost budov. A našli bychom i další příklady a další nás čekají. Významnou součástí trendu udržitelnosti je také redukce uhlíkové stopy, a to v celém oboru stavebnictví a v celém životním cyklu budov. Směrnice upravující hodnocení tzv. zabudované i provozní uhlíkové stopy se již připravují v rámci pracovních skupin orgánů Evropské unie a očekává se, že nabytí účinnosti pro vybrané druhy novostaveb nastane v roce 2030. Dalším trendem, který myslím díky rychlému rozvoji moderních technologií a „AI“ jednou také přijde, může být hlubší zakomponování „člověka“, resp. jeho potřeb do procesu výroby i užívání staveb tak, jak o tom obdobně již dnes ve spojitosti nejen s environmentálními aspekty hovoří nová koncepce Průmyslu 5.0.

Jak se promítají trendy udržitelnosti do vašich tuzemských projektů? 

Pokud pominu národní legislativní předpisy, které některé z těchto aspektů řeší obligatorně, setkáváme se s požadavky investorů na udržitelnost a environmentální šetrnost zejména u administrativních staveb. Pokud investor chce postavit opravdu moderní administrativní budovu, je již více než dekádu běžným standardem získání speciální environmentální certifikace. V rámci procesu této certifikace se řeší dopady stavby na životní prostředí opravdu velmi podrobně, od fáze návrhu až do fáze uvedení do provozu, a i následně poté. V segmentu bytových domů je situace pomalejší. Jen u některých vybraných developerů se setkáváme s požadavky zatím „pouze“ například na hospodárnější využití dešťové vody či alternativních zdrojů energie. Ve zbylých segmentech pozemních staveb jsme se také setkali s různými myšlenkami např. na redukci uhlíkové stopy apod., avšak spíše výjimečně a opět spíše u společností nebo projektů s nadnárodním významem.

Myslíte tedy, že období Stavebnictví 4.0 je již za námi?

To rozhodně není a ještě dlouho nebude. Výzvy Stavebnictví 4.0 jsou velmi komplexní a ve srovnání se strojním průmyslem mnohem obtížněji aplikovatelné do reálné praxe. Dokonce bych si troufl říci, že na národní úrovni se zatím potýkáme i s ovládnutím základních pilířů Stavebnictví 4.0, kterými jsou například standardizace metody BIM nebo digitalizace stavebního řízení. V soukromém sektoru jsme ale viditelně dále. Mnoho významných společností, včetně té naší, investuje do rozvoje moderních přístupů a moderních technologií. Je to myslím přirozená evoluce a postupně nám bude přinášet více a více benefitů.

Jaká byla vlastně Vaše cesta k využívání BIM a co Vás na této oblasti nejvíce zajímá?

BIM je přístup, který nás ve firmě baví již nejméně od roku 2012 a stal se naším běžným standardem. Popravdě, když jsem se v roce 2018 rozhodoval, zda se mám vrátit z realizace staveb zpět do projekce, tak BIM a 3D projektování v tom hrály zásadní roli. Kdyby se tehdy stále projektovalo ve 2D, tak bych se do projekce nevrátil. Dnešní projektování je úžasná disciplína plná benefitů nejen pro projektanty a stavaře. 3D, BIM, mračna bodů, VR, AR, real-time vizualizace, automatizace dokumentace, vizuální programování…  za těmito hesly se skrývá spousta úžasných věcí. To, na co jsem ještě zvědavý, je širší rozvoj správy budov pomocí BIM modelů. Ten je u nás ještě v plenkách a rozhodně to zatím není jednoduchá a levná záležitost.

Řekněte nám, co vás inspirovalo k dalšímu studiu a napsání MBA práce na téma „projekční a stavební společnosti: kultura, lidé, vedení a jednání“?

Jednoznačně záliba k oboru :). Měl jsem štěstí, že jsem pracoval na obou stranách barikády, jako generální dodavatel i jako generální projektant, a to u těch nejlepších hráčů na našem trhu. Dříve mě bavilo vést projekty, dnes mě baví rozvíjet náš skvělý tým a předávat zkušenosti. A ve stavařině se v podstatě motám doslova od dětských let. To vše je moje motivace i inspirace.

Last week, an internal BIM Tech Day workshop was held where Obermeyer Helika subsidiaries exchanged information and experiences. The event focused on sharing standards, innovations and best practices in Building Information Modeling (BIM).

The two-day workshop consisted of:

Analysis of the current state in terms of BIM and modern technologies. Followed with presentations of the most insteresting projects that demonstrated successful examples from the field. Important part of the workshop were discussions during which participants exchanged experiences and looked for opportunities to improve their own projects, as well as discussing the strategic development of the entire company

The BIM Tech Day provided valuable knowledge and skills, set a roadmap for the future and strengthened collaboration between the various Obermeyer Helika subsidiaries. We thank all participants, including Casua, and hope to repeat the event in the future.

OBERMEYER HELIKA, a design and construction consultancy firm, has taken on the role of general designer and architect for the extension and extension of the Gallery Teplice shopping centre. Upon completion, Gallery  Teplice will offer its visitors an even wider range of shops, services and entertainment in a modern and attractive environment. The investor of the project is DANDREET a.s.

The extension of the Gallery Teplice shopping centre is proposed in the open space in the south-eastern corner of the building. The extension fully respects the existing structure of the centre and the urban concept of the spa town development. „Our aim was to sensitively relate to the current architecture of Gallery Teplice and at the same time create a new distinctive element that will enliven the southeast corner of the building. By using innovative materials and playing with geometric shapes, we have achieved a dynamic and attractive look for the extension,“ said Roman Smida, the project’s chief engineer from OBERMEYER HELIKA.

An extension with a new entrance will complete the south-eastern corner of the centre

The extension of the shopping centre follows the original architectural concept of alternating horizontal stripes, but uses different materials. The dominant element is not only the newly created corner of the building, but also the new entrance to the shopping area. The façade above the main entrance works with the geometric shape of a triangle. Although it is a flat façade, the different shade and surface quality of the individual triangular surfaces creates a plastic impression. The material used is a high-pressure laminate of golden colour.

In the ground floor part, a glazed façade is designed, which seamlessly connects to the existing glazed façade of the centre, thus creating a uniform base for the different types of cladding materials used on the building.

Diverse facade elements with changing colour shades

The architecture of the extension follows the existing block structure, which alternates different facade materials to create a street effect. Existing areas of orange, brown and grey cladding alternate with strips of white render complemented by climbing greenery.

„The dominant element of the corner from the north side is carried over to the new south-east corner of the extension in the form of a uniform block mass. This is clad in aluminium cassettes with different surface tilts. By alternating the orientation and tilt of the cassettes, this results in a variety of reflections of the façade and alternation of colour shades. The designed façade thus has multiple faces. By changing its appearance it reacts to the weather, the time of day and the angle of view. The formats of the cassettes are larger compared to the formats used on the existing facades and correspond to the scale of the corner mass,“ explains Fionn Curran of OBERMEYER HELIKA.

The project also includes a modification of the existing northern entrance from Svoboda Square. Here, new carousel doors will be installed to replace the existing sliding door vestibule.

On the first underground floor, the current arcade will be extended and several new commercial units will be created. On the first and second floors, the extension will offer an extension of leasable retail space.

Přístavba Galerie Teplice nároží

The largest conference of the development market – MEETING OF DEVELOPMENT LEADERS, organized by CEEC research, took place and we were as one of the partners by. It brought a lot of inspiration, new knowledge and valuable discussions. A number of prominent personalities met in the main hall of the Czech National Bank to discuss current topics such as the advent of the new building law, pressure on housing prices, investment in construction, mortgages and government support for more affordable housing. This conference became an important forum for leading experts from the development market to share their views, experiences and best practices that will lead to further development of the sector.

Discussions at the conference focused on a number of key topics, including the need for a new building code, strategies for coping with rising housing price pressures, and government support for more affordable housing for citizens. Participants also focused on innovative approaches to financing construction and investment in development projects in the current economic environmen

The presence of leading experts and key figures in the sector provided participants with an opportunity to network and share best practices. On our behalf, the event was attended by CEO Jiří Fousek and Jan Korbut, head of one of our civil engineering studios. We look forward to meeting again and continuing the discussion on key issues affecting the property development market in our country. 

The construction works of the multi-purpose business and social centre Černý Most in Prague 14 will start in April this year. The planned redevelopment has received building permits based on the documentation prepared by Obermeyer Helika. This design and construction consultancy firm also created the documentation for the zoning decision and for the construction.

The extension will significantly expand the retail space in Centrum Černý Most. The project, implemented with an emphasis on sustainability, will bring 32 new shops and restaurants and 3 new cinemas. The Černý Most Centre will thus provide its visitors with more space for shopping and services, entertainment and relaxation. In place of the existing food court, a new Dining Plaza concept will be created with a unique design and atmosphere and a wide range of catering services, including a significant increase in the proportion of restaurants with table service. The project also includes the construction of new cinema screens for demanding audiences. These will subsequently be operated by the renowned CineStar company. The architectural design is by London-based Benoy.

The project team leader Ing. Roman Smida of Obermeyer Helika talks about the details of the project. This involved, for example, adding new cinema screens on the level of the existing rooftop car park. We gained space for additional new commercial units by demolishing the existing ceiling of the car park. We also addressed the re-roofing of the current food court space. All of these complicated designs and changes had to be accommodated within the existing structure of the building.“

In addition to the commercial aspect, the project also focuses on improving the comfort of visitors to the centre, as well as the aesthetics of the internal environment. The interior of the buildings will feature larger green areas that will offer pleasant places to relax. Wood will be the dominant element of the interior. The construction works will be carried out while the shopping centre is fully operational in order to minimise the impact on its customers.

„In keeping with Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield’s Better Places sustainability principles and commitment, it is also a given that this project will meet all the requirements for BREEAM certification, which CČM currently meets. The project involves the use of grey water, low-carbon concrete and recycling of existing structures,“ says Ing. Jaroslav Němeček, project manager from Obermeyer Helika.

The planned extension naturally complements the two previous construction phases, the first of which began in 2000. This third phase will be completed in autumn 2025, thus de facto completing the entire Černý Most Centre, undoubtedly one of the most successful shopping centres in the Czech Republic.

We have achieved further success in our construction of healthcare facilities. The new Family Care Pavilion at Pelhřimov Hospital won the Building of the Year 2023 competition. The panel of the competition, which is organised by the Foundation for the Development of Architecture and Construction, showed its appreciation for the professionalism of the creators, the spatial design, the precision of the building’s actual structural and technical design and the effort to add an artistic touch to the orientation system of the new pavilion.

“We are very pleased to have won the Building of the Year 2023 award for the Family Care Pavilion at Pelhřimov Hospital. The excellent cooperation with the Vysočina Region, the management of the Pelhřimov Hospital and the construction contractor, an association comprising PKS stavby and Metrostav, enabled the successful implementation of this project, which is of great benefit to the entire region,“ says Jiří Fousek, CEO of Obermeyer Helika. „It is well known that there is great demand for new construction projects and renovations of existing hospitals, clinics and healthcare facilities in the healthcare sector, but in practice we often run up against various complications that slow the renovation of this healthcare infrastructure. It is good that even in the public sector and state administration there are people who take a conceptual and systematical approach to their projects. The project of the award-winning pavilion of the Pelhřimov Hospital is the result of such an approach.“

Award-winning new Family Care Pavilion at Pelhřimov Hospital
The new five-storey, architecturally appealing pavilion provides modern facilities for the paediatric, gynaecology and obstetrics and neurology departments. The pavilion is specially designed to provide greater comfort for patients and their families. The modern rooms are equipped with all the necessary facilities and create a pleasant and peaceful environment for a quick recovery. The Family Care Pavilion promotes collaboration and the sharing of experience between the different departments and specialists in the hospital, which will improve the quality of care and enable the implementation of the latest procedures and treatment methods. These benefits will be a boost to the entire hospital, improving healthcare in the region and providing better comfort and support for patients and their families.

Further information:
Built-up area: 2 200 m²
Built-up volume: 40 000 m³
Number of storeys: 5 storeys, including 1 technological floor set back on the roof and 1 underground floor for parking.
Usable area: 8,300 m², of which the 1st to 4th above-ground storeys are full hospital floors covering an area of 5,600 m².
Location: Hospital Pelhřimov
Compiler of investment plan: LT Projekt
Architect: Obermeyer Helika a.s., Ing. Josef Kříž
Chief project engineer: Ing. Jiří Houda
General designer: Obermeyer Helika a.s. provided the project documentation for the issuance of a joint permit, the project documentation for the construction including the design of medical equipment and the interior, engineering work and designer’s supervision.
Client and main investor of the construction: Vysočina Region
Construction contractor: Association PKS stavby a.s., Metrostav a.s., Metrostav DIZ s.r.o.

Stavba roku nový pavilon nemocnice Pelhřimov

New pavilion in passive standard, nice modern environment for patients and medical staff, connecting bridges simplify transport between individual pavilions.

Vote with us for the project of new pavilion Hospital Nemocnice Pelhřimov – public price The Building of the Year 2023 Number 54.

Voting will be open until midnight on November 23, 2023.

Nemocnice Pelhřimov nový pavilon

In the Pilsen Region Building of the Year competition, TechTower Pilsen Svetovar won the award of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic for the exemplary reconstruction of a brownfield, including part of the former brewery, into a state-of-the-art center for research workplaces.

Read more about the project.

We can conclude that opening the Brno office was the right decision. During the two years it has been providing design and consulting services, the Brno studio has grown from the two founding members to the twelve designers and architects it now employs. In addition, it prides itself on having completed several major healthcare projects. With its success in the field of healthcare construction, this year the studio has been transformed into an independent division that can better respond to clients’ needs and at the same time work closely with both the Prague and Bratislava offices.

„We offer our clients the advantage of local contact in Brno and adequate response time directly on site. When a problem arises, our quick response can mean the difference between success and a delay with the project,“ comments Ing. Jiří Houda, director of the Brno division of Obermeyer Helika, and adds: „In addition, we plan to provide design and technical supervision in the region, which is further added value offered by our Brno team. Another great advantage of the Brno division is that it can resolve the capacities required for large projects on an operative basis. This is all within the framework of proven teamwork between our offices and using state-of-the-art information and communication technologies.“

Jiří Fousek, CEO of Obermeyer Helika, had this to say on the expansion of the studio into a separate division: „Brno is strategically located and the establishment of the new division will enable the company to cover the local market and neighbouring regions more effectively. A local office can better adapt to the needs of its clients and provide them with better service and efficient support. We also have better access to experts based in the area, with whom we can collaborate on projects.“

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